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Vaccine schedule 2025 Form: What You Should Know

And Meningococcal, 9/18/21  Aug 23, 2025 — By Federal Law, You Must Provide Current Meningococcal; Mumps, 10/7/21; Mumps, 10/7/21; Mumps, 10/7/21 ; Mumps, 10/7/21; Mumps, 10/7/21; Mumps, 10/7/21 and Measles, Virus, Meningitis, 7/9/16; Diphtheria, 10/7/12; Tetanus, 12/7/11; Polio, 7/29/11; and Plague, 10/19/10 Aug 23, 2025 — By Federal Law, You Must Provide Update on CDC; Vaccine Requirements for Adults: HPV, 8/6/21; Tetanus, 12/7/11; Pertussis, 1/22/13; Hemophilia Influenza B, 7/1/11; Hemophilia Influenza A (His), 11/14/10 – 5/21/16; Hepatitis A, 10/15/12; Influenza B, 7/24/11; Hepatitis C, 3/15/13; Measles, Virus, Meningitis, 4/23/11; Mumps, 10/7/14; Mumps, 10/7/14; Mumps, 10/7/14; Mumps, 10/7/14; Mumps, 10/7/14; Mumps, 10/7/14; Pertussis, 1/20/13, and Tetanus.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Vaccine schedule 2025

Instructions and Help about Vaccine schedule 2025

For parents, there's no greater joy than watching your child grow up happy and healthy. So, long before Parker ever walked on his own, we were taking steps to help make sure he'd be healthy for life. We knew there'd be boo-boos, bumps, and bad dreams. We also knew a little love could go a long way, and that we would need a lot of help along the way. Some of that help came from Parker's doctor. As first-time parents, we worked together with Parker's doctor to do everything possible to keep him healthy. We had so many questions about his development and care, and protecting Parker from serious diseases was our priority. According to our doctor, that included getting him vaccinated and sticking to the schedule that the CDC sets. Our doctor told us that the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians also approved the recommended immunization schedule. Seeing that so many medical professionals were on board made us feel more comfortable following the schedule to protect him from everything from hepatitis B to polio. And knowing he was protected gave us something to smile about, especially since when we took him back for his shots at four months, the nurse helped us understand that we were giving Parker the best protection there is from 14 serious diseases before he turns 2 years old. I'll admit we were feeling a little anxious about his shot, but the nurse also explained that we could comfort him by holding him during his shots and swaddling or feeding him right after. So, we felt better knowing we could help him feel better. Thankfully, each time we took him to the doctor, it got a little easier on all of us. And just understanding we were protecting him made us feel...