What are you crying about? You big faker! You are a faker! No, no, daddy, I just wanted to play. A date? Hi, I won't get out now. Thank you. K, you know, let me know how much she's about to get me out of here. Wish she would just listen to it so much. Yeah, no, no cameras, no cameras, or they carry a camera. Ah, Jessica gave him a little haircut. You guys can tell she kind of shaved off a little bit of his hair. You, me, hey Talan, hey Telly, get me today. It's an eventful day. We're gonna leave the dogs there for puppy shots and it's gonna be fun. Hey, give me something to eat. I bite your finger. Out. It's very simple. Dead. I went fig you'd give it to me. Are you lose a finger? Watch, see finger, no. My. So right now, I'm seeing how they're gonna do without a supervisor or anybody else to interact with on their own. And they see me playing right here in the front yard, which is really cool. So they don't wander off too far. It looks like, although they keep spilling their food on the ground. I'm gonna be rent well. That's a black and white anymore. So funny. Now they're all looking at Taylor. That's it. Which is that like a little skunk tear right there? The way she gets up. The mornings, up in the morning. You look amazing. Hey, I'm just trying to get into months death, but cameras in here, blaming me if I'm getting you on camera, get me in trouble. So what do we do today? You're taking this to go get their shot and then tomorrow they are ready to go. So we'll see what happens....
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